Fiber Arts Competition


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Judge Laura Todd with Margo Siebenbergen’s Shetland Stars Shawl which was awarded the Black Sheep Cup. Photo: Lucy Kingsley. From left, Reserve Champion Best of Youth award winner Ella Farrell with her needle-felted bunny and Best of Youth Champion award winner Anna Farrell with her knitted beige shawl. Photo: Kristi Gustafson. Dana Nishimura with her needle-felted greyhound, winner of the Best Quality of Felting entry. Photo: Kristi Gustafson. Judge Laura Todd shows Margo Siebenbergen’s brown lace shawl, awarded Best Use of Natural Colored Wool. Photo: Kristi Gustafson.
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Char Gascho’s cardigan which won Fiber Arts Reserve Champion. Photo: Lucy Kingsley. Best Weaving Award winner Lucelle Hoefnagel modeling her jacket. Photo: Kristi Gustfason. Marilyn Harrison with her woven shawl. Photo: Leigh Wheeler. Karen Szewc’s felted raven with mouse rider using a combination of techniques. Photo: Rich Lundquist.