Black Sheep Newsletter
  A magazine for shepherds and fiber enthusiasts

Catalog of Available Back Issues

Back issues, numbers 1 through 22, have been compiled into the book, the Black Sheep Newsletter Companion. Highlights of issues currently available are listed here, from issue number 28 to present.

Issue 28


Improving Colored Sheep, Wool Rot, Angora Goats

Issue 35


1983 Annual Directory, Sheep and Goats Together

Issue 38/39


10th Anniversary Issue: Wool, Sheep, Buildings, New Zealand Congress Overview

Issue 40


1984 Annual Directory, Angora Goat—Purebred and Crossbred

Issue 42


Controlling Internal Parasites, Jacob Sheep, Custom Wool Processing in the Northwest.

Issue 43


Locker Hooking – Part I, Mable Ross – Scottish Spinner and Teacher

Issue 44


1985 Annual Directory, Health & Wool Production, Locker Hooking – Part II

Issue 45


Color Genetics of Sheep, Llama Wool, Novelty Yarns with Mohair, Using Handspun

Issue 47


Sheep Down Under, Knitting with Handspun, Guardian Donkeys

Issue 48


Icelandic Sheep, Purebred Sheep in Breeding Colored Wools, Genetics of Small Flocks

Issue 49


Border Collies, Shearing Angora Goats, Sheep in Japan

Issue 50


Shetland Sheep, Guardian dogs, Coloured Sheep in Scotland, Skirting Table

Issue 51


Fiber Pests, Market Research in Wool, Internal Parasites and Control

Issue 52


Controlling Fibers Pests, Guardian Dogs, Coccidia and Tapeworms, Woolgrower and Handspinner

Issue 53


Judging Angora Rabbits, Cider Vinegar for Stock Health, Soremouth, Registration of Angora Goats

Issue 54


Health Care for Lambing, Breeds of Angora Rabbits, Horns and Antlers, Woolmark

Issue 55


Handspinning Fleece, Tapeworm and Coccidia, Hand Shears, Feeding Angora Rabbits

Issue 56


Coloured Angora Goats, Brown Sheep, Ovine Progressive Pneumonia, Pricing Goats

Issue 57


Producing Fleece for Handspinning, Toxicities in Sheep, Coloured Angora Goats, Sheep Blanket

Issue 58


Shearing Rack for Goats, Anne Blinks, Minerals, Moorits, Breed the Best to the Best

Issue 59


Spinning Joy, Minerals and Their Function, Angora Rabbit Color, Komondor Dogs

Issue 60


Breeding for Quality, Dairy Sheep, Summer Veterinary Care, Eugene World Congress, Fleece Selection for Handspinning

Issue 61


Coloured Fleeces-Widening Horizons Downunda, International Wool Digest Excerpts, Handspinner's Depression Cure, Congress Fair Review, Scrapie

Issue 62


Oak Grove Fiber Shop, COGNOSAG Progress Report, Feltmaker-Beth Beede

Issue 63


Color Genetics, Nellie the Guard Dog, Knitting with Handspun

Issue 64


Color Genetics Part Two, 1990 Annual Directory, Fibernet, New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival

Issue 65


Angora Goat History, BoSe Warning, Coopworth Mystique, Penfrydd Wools, Sheep and Wool on a Small Scale (Utah Conference)

Issue 66


Veterinary Homeopathy, Ontario Spinners Certificate, Save Lambs by Feeding Them

Issue 67


Shetland Sheep, Pot-Pouri Spinning: Part I, Karakul Color Genetics, Mastitis

Issue 68 


Pot-Pouri Spinning Part II: 1991 Annual Directory, Care of Angora Bunny

Issue 69


Colored Angora Goats, Pot-Pouri Spinning: Part III, Lousy Goats, Care and Handling of Sheepskins

Issue 70


Kidding Lessons, Ewe Coughs, Producing Fleeces Part I, Interview with Dr. Frederiks

Issue 71


Spinning with Romney, Skirting Mohair Fleeces, Producing Fleeces Part II, AI, Interview with Mary Iselin

Issue 72


Why Shetland Sheep?, A Wooly Writeoff, 1992 Annual Directory, Coloured Angora Goat Record, Glen Eidman's Judging

Issue 73


Wool Combing and Primitive Fleeces, Confessions of a Wool Show Coordinator, BSG Tales, Sheep-to-Shawl

Issue 74


Feltmaking with Karakul, Hypothermia in the Young Lamb, Transporting Sheep, Interview with Ian Stewart

Issue 75


Leadersheep, Lambing Tips, Card Grading, Prolapse, Electric Spinners, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs

Issue 76


BSG '93, Ram Fertility, 4th World Congress, 1993 Annual Directory, Sheep-to-Shawl

Issue 77


Wool and How it Grows, Soremouth, Washing Fiber for Industrial Carders, Pinkeye

Issue 78


The Flett Shetland Story, Nantucket Rug Hooking, Diagnosis of Neonatal Lamb Losses, Colored Angora

Issue 79


Icelandic Color Genetics, Interview with Joan Wootton, Johne’s Disease, Sheep Coats You Can Make

Issue 80


Smiling Jacob Sheep, Common Sheep Health Problems, 1994 Annual Directory

Issue 81


Marketing Coloured Wool, Great Britain World Congress Recap, COGNOSAG, Colored Genetics, Handshearing

Issue 82


Pastures, Grasses and Clovers, SOAR Recap, Spinning Cashmere, Caring for Angora Goats, Selenium Update

Issue 83


Pasture Husbandry, Anne Blinks, What Color is That Goat, Liver Flukes, American Cashmere

Issue 84 


Pasture Husbandry – manure, International Wool Logo, Congress Plans for 1999, Sarcocystis Tenella, The Undertoad

Issue 85


Successful Shearing Days in Wisconsin, Anthelimintics, Foula Shetlands, Icelandics in Parham, Canada

Issue 86


Mohair to the Warehouse, Canadian Sheep Management, WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms)

Issue 87


A New Look at Sheep Pastures, Organic Farming, Breed Characteristics, Macrame Prolapse Harness

Issue 88 


Trees and Pasture Management, Let’s Raise Silk!, BSG Fair Review, Twist and Shout – Aching Backs and Easy Lambing

Issue 89


Color Genetics in Sheep According to Phil Sponenberg, The Blind Lamb, Build a Solar Dye Oven, Using Knit and Crochet Patterns for Handspun

Issue 90


CVM Sheep, Terminal Sires or Shetlands, Soremouth, Triangular Knitting with Handspun, Lambing Tips, Color Genetics

Issue 91


Marketing Wool, Record Keeping, Sheep Coats, Goat Color Genetics, Sheep Milking, Carding/Dehairing, 1999 Congress

Issue 92


Flock Nutrition, Clun Forest/Shetland Cross, Moths, Fixing Knitting Errors, Black Sheep Gathering Fair Review

Issue 93


Las Golondrinas, Producer Profiles, Correcting Knitting Errors, Loose Wool Felting and Yarn Shrinkage, Wool Washing Bags, Garden Hot Bed

Issue 94


Shepherding Tales, Taos Wool Festival, Sheepmobile, Fleece Washing, Sorting Fleeces, When to Call the Veterinarian, 1999 Congress

Issue 95


Fox Hollow Farm, Terminal Sire Program, Remembering Cimarron, Knit a Handbag, Organic Wool Production, Nesting Blanket, Book Review: buddhism for sheep, by Chris Riddell and Louse Howard

Issue 96


Floppy Kid Syndrome, Hay Feeder, A Better Yarn Blocker, BSG Workshop Reviews: Controlling Wool Growth; Shearing with Susie; Animals, Drugs, Vets and Shepherds

Issue 97


Colored Purebred Sheep – Why They are Important, Raising Alpacas in New Zealand, Shepherds Prepare for Winter, Alternative Anthelmintics, Raising Mohair

Issue 98


Angora Goat Kid Feeding, AI at Iron Water Ranch, Today's Sheep Business, Finnsheep, Gate Ideas, SOAR Experience, Fall Breeding at Whitefish Bay

Issue 99


Black Sheep Gathering History, Genetics, Feeders and Fleeces, Tribute to Glen Eidman, Building Fences and Watching Grass Grow, The Spirits that Guide Us

Issue 100


History of the Black Sheep Newsletter, Annual Directory, Giving Birth to Our Organic Farm, Shepherding—Sometimes Bittersweet, Always Rewarding, Fair Reviews – Black Sheep Gathering, Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

Issue 101


Fifth World Congress on Coloured Sheep Review, Sheep Coats, Colored Angora Goat Registry, Back-to-Back Wool Challenge

Issue 102


Black Pines Sheep – LAI and Baby Brits, Understanding Your Pasture, Musings on Betty’s Musings, What’s a Moorit? and Book Reviews: Understanding the Spinning Wheel by Eric Corran and Coloured Naturally! Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Coloured Sheep and their Products, compiled by Anne Kelly

Issue 103


Herding Dogs, Fitting Colored Sheep for Show, Pasture – Part II, Buying Sheep, Sheep Community, Weaving w/Handspun, Ram Exam, NZ Exports

Issue 104


Judith MacKenzie, NZ Travel Tips, Oregon’s Marketing Plan, Annual Directory, Fair Reviews, Wensleydale Semen, BSG Wool Sale Statistics

Issue 105


A Fond Farewell, Reclaiming the Orchard, Rowe Farm Meats, Thoughts on Horn Genetics, Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival, Book Reviews: Shearing Day by Kevin Ford, Letters from Across the Country by Marsha Boulton, Clothing Patterns from the Weaving Room by Susan Lily, Beginning Shepherd’s Manual by Barbara Smith and Gerald Kennedy

Issue 106


Visit Betty Berlenbach, Tribute to Joan Wootton, Medication Issues, Meat Butchering, Horn Genetics, OFFF Fair Review

Issue 107


Shetland Sheep Farming, Bio-Security in Your Flock, Marketing Your Products, To Cull or not to Cull, Cleaner Fleeces Less Work

Issue 108


Bonding Reluctant Ewes with Stanchions, OPP, Shepherds Moving On, Cleaning up Pastures, Dyeing Mohair, Simple Color Genetics for Angora Goats, Black Sheep Gathering Fair Review and Wool Sale Statistics

Issue 109


Keeping Sheep in Perspective, Show Ring Attire, Scrapie Programs, Skirting Fleeces, Karakul Braided Rugs, Raspberry Beret, Weaving Mohair and Touring Western Canada

Issue 110


Healing and Bio-Security, Afghan Feed Lift, Strategies for Producing Colored Angora Goats, Weaving with Mohair, Double Coated Fleeces, Nomadic Farming, 2001 Spinner’s Lead, Fencing, Novice Shepherds.

Issue 111


Animal Friendship, UK Bio-Security, Karakul Lambskins, Bangladesh Shelters, New Zealand Experiences, Allergic to Wool? and Lambing Tales.

Issue 112


Woologo–International Coloured Wool, Black Sheep Gathering Review, Ultrasound, Raising Orphan Lambs, Farm Dogs, Pioneering in the 1990s

Issue 113


AI at Whitefish Bay, part I; Judging Wool Breeds of Sheep; Life in Pelican, Alaska; Pneumonia in Goats; Soay Sheep – A Short History; Wool Terms; Another Summer on the Farm

Issue 114


My Visit to Macedonia, AI Part II, A Goat Shepherd looks back at her Year, BSG Show Catalog, Michigan Sheep Breeders Shepherd's Weekend, USA Sheep Shows, Sheep Geriatrics, Wild Burros

Issue 115


Winter Shepherding in New York, Artificial Insemination III, Lambing Yearlings, Genetic Diversity, Livestock Dealing Etiquette and Ethics, Goat Shepherd’s Journal, What are Goats Good For?, World Congress on Coloured Sheep (WCCS) Interest Form, Lambing Lessons

Issue 116


Mark Eidman’s Judging in Maryland, 6th World Congress on Coloured Sheep, Greeter Sheep, Foot Rot Control, Herbs for Ruminants, BSG Fair Review, Requirements for Going to the Show

Issue 117


Ann Snyder’s Shawl, Swallows and Sheep, Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, Dog Attacks, What I learned from Sheep, Chrissie on Line

Issue 118


Interview with Alexandra Petrowski, BSN Survey, BSG Show Catalog, Meat-ing Needs, Trolls and Phobias with Sheep, Winter on the Farm

Issue 119


To Use or Not to Use a Herding Dog, BSG at 30 Years, A Normal Lambing, Echoes from the Past on Singing Falls Ranch, News From South Africa

Issue 120


Sharon Allen, Farm Ponds, Why do You Raise Sheep?, Hay Fires, Working Dogs, Oregon Wool Growers Association, BSG Fair Review, Wooly Acres

Issue 121


World Sheep and Wool Congress, World Congresses on Coloured Sheep Summary, Guide to Self-Help, LGD Kuvasz, Reader Survey Statistics

Issue 122


A Trip Down Under, John Lee, Ode to an Old Ram, Coloured Sheep World Congress Overview, Making a Garment from Scratch, Book Reviews: The World of Coloured Sheep by Roger Lundie and Elspeth Wilkinson, and The Knitted Rug by Donna Druchunas

Issue 123


Lambing Blog, Adventures in New Zealand, Brazil 2009, Miracle Kids, Iodine, Lambing Hypothermia, Gotland Sheep and Good Records make Good Shepherds.

Issue 124


Spinning a Mexico Summer, Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival Reviews, Flock Observations, Iodine Update, Helmet Liner Pattern for Troops, Farmer's Market.

Issue 125


Women's Circle, Fall Fever, Livestock Competition Behavior, Painting Handspun, Five Weeks in Peru Part I, Goat Sausage, BSG Spinner's Lead and Sheep to Shawl results, OFFF results.

Issue 126


Sheep's Long Term Memory, Retirement, Five Weeks in Peru, Mohair Locks for Doll Hair, BSG Show Catalog.

Issue 127


Urban Rural Interaction, Mohair – the Diamond Fiber, Farm Scene Investigation, Fleece Scales, Shortening Lambing Season, Sausage recipes, Book Review: The Shepherd’s Rug by Letty Klein, Wool Quality.

Issue 128


Alexandra's New Wheel, Wool Quality, Fleeces for Sale, Michigan Sheep and Wool Festival, Black Sheep Gathering Review, A New Working Dog, Book Review: Natural Sheep Care by Pat Coleby

Issue 129


The Black Sheep Inn, Medullated fiber, Tea Cozy, Shawl-to-Sheep, Fiber Markets.

Issue 130


Thoughts on Tractor Retirement, Three Sheep of My Own, The Cotswolds and a Monkey Off Your Back, True Wool Fibers.

Issue 131


Someone Else’s Lambing, Choosing a Breed, Lamb Birthcoats, In Praise of Livestock Guardian Dogs and Night Feeding.

Issue 132


Judging Sheep, Shepherd’s Tour of SW Ireland, Summer Fires, Livestock Guardian Dogs Part II, Johne’s Disease, Painted Cheviots, BSG Fair Review and Annual Directory.

Issue 133


Travels in Denmark, Shaniko Wool Gathering, Sheep Observations, Northeast Farms, Well-drilling, Wool fiber – crimp and color.

Issue 134


Selling yarn at the Farmer's Market, BSG show catalog, Travelling Minstrel's journey across North America, Disrupting the Routine and Book Reviews: Crochet Me, Design to Fuel the Crochet Revolution by Kim Werker, and Bag Style by Pam Allen and Ann Budd.

Issue 135


Shepherding, Spinning or Knitting?, Wool Growth, Braided Sheep Halter, Shetland Fleece, High Desert Wool Ranchers and Recording Fiber Statistics.

Issue 136


Profit or Loss From Farming, All Things Fiber Part I, Purled Fleece, Wisconsin Climate Change Affects Pastures, BSG 2008 Fair Review.

Issue 137


Barn re-roofing, Sheep worms, Reading for shepherds, All Things Fiber Part II, Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, Transporting silage.

Issue 138


Gretchen's Wool Mill, Letty Klein's 2008 Travels, Travelling Minstrel's Tour of SE and OFFF Judging, Plying Wool With Ribbon and Thread.

Issue 139


Lynne's Vest, Sharing Farm Work, Michigan Shepherd's Weekend, Shearing at Whitefish Bay, Shelters from Straw.

Issue 140


Argentina travels, The Pines Farm, Letty’s summer shows, BSG Fair Review, Doily Head Hats, Respecting Fences, Book Reviews: Spin Control: Techniques for Spinning the Yarn You Want by Amy King, Knitted Lace of Estonia, Techniques, Patterns and Traditions by Nancy Bush, Knitting Socks with Handspun Painted Yarns by Carol Sulcoski and The Intentional Spinner: A Holistic Approach to Making Yarn by Judith MacKenzie

Issue 141


History of World Congress on Coloured Sheep and recap of Brasil 2009 World Congress, Remembering Julie Owens, OFFF Fiber Festival review, My Visit to the Michigan Fiber Festival, Video Review: Start Spinning Video by Maggie Casey and Eunny Jang

Issue 142


Temple Grandin, Aging Shepherd tips, Interview with Cheryl, CREP program example, Book reviews: All new Homespun Handknit by Amy Clarke Moore and Sock Innovation by Cookie A

Issue 143


Treating livestock with respect, Remembering Linda Mercer, Sheep Colour Patterns, Helping your wool customers, Interview with Kathy Barger-Harbert

Issue 144


Waiting to make hay, Delaine Merino sheep, BSG Fair Review, How Ian’s NZ farm makes a profit, Book Review: Keeping Watch by Kathryn A Sletto

Issue 145


Fleece presentation, Moving manure, Mohair handspinning, Recycled farm tractor, OFFF fiber arts review, Book Reviews: Ruminations of a Grumpy Shepherd by Dick Regnery and Northern Knits by Lucinda Gay and Get Spun by Simeon North

Issue 146


How others do it – mating to lambing, Catch Pen Cashmere goats, Remembering John Lee.

Issue 147


Solitude Wool goes to Broadway, 2014 Congress update, Whitefish Bay shearing and fleeces, Lamb Ribs Dinner, Cashmere Harvest Time, Karakul “Sur”, Kahurangi Farm Breeding Programme,

Issue 148


Tail-fat, Wool Handling school, Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival, Americarna in New Zealand, Cashmere Herd Management, Shepherdess’ Best Friend—slow cooker, Oregonian out East, BSG Review including Fiber Arts Felting Efforts, Golden Shears in New Zealand, Field Days and Future Farmers in New Zealand.

Issue 149


Making Sausage, Enterotoxemia, Cashmere back combing and the importance of three year pedigree, “Merry” the Dorper Dog Sheep, Ian’s travels, OFFF Fiber Arts review, Book Review: Create Jackets with Your Serger by Susan Lily

Issue 150


Gray sheep genetics, Judging sheep comments, Blade shearing and Tamra’s Chili, BSG show catalog, Know your Flock, Selecting goats kids to keep or sell, Book Reviews: New Zealand Spinning Wheels and their Makers by Mary Knox and Joy of Hooking with Yarn! by Judy Taylor

Issue 151


Blade Shearing, About Emily, Central Oregon’s fiber events, then and now, Feeding for fleece, Cashmere goats and their Fiber, Farming in New Zealand, First National Coopworth Sheep Show, Book Reviews: spin art Mastering the Craft of Spinning Textured Yarn, by Jacey Boggs and The Coat of Many Colors A Survey of Sheep Color Pattern Expression, by Margaret Howard and product review of Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray.

Issue 152


Leaking Pipes, Annual Gathering Summary, Waldorf School rug using karakul roving, Raising Cashmere goats, BSG Fair Review, Black Sheep Cup recipients.

Issue 153


Rooing fleece, How do you Spin?, Cashmere breeding preparation, OFFF Fiber Arts Gallery, Book review: What the Animals Taught Me by Stephanie Marohn

Issue 154


The First National Coopworth Show, The Trailing of the Sheep Festival, BSG Show Catalog, Basics for new Cashmere goat owners, Fleece Shows and Breed Standards by Letty Klein

Issue 155


Micron Testing During Lambing, Remembering Dick Duncan, Story of a Goat Family, Cashmere Kidding, Marketing Meat, More on Breed Standards by Letty Klein.

Issue 156


Raw fleece for judging, 2013 Black Sheep Gathering review including Sheep-to-Shawl and Fiber Arts

Issue 157


Knitted Swirl Jacket, The Livestock Conservancy, Factors that influence fleece development and quality, Guard dog shooting case, OFFF fiber arts results, Book reviews: Fair Isle Style by Mary Jane Mucklestone, 150 Scandinavian Motifs by Mary Jane Mucklestone, Scottish Knits, Color work & Cables with a Twist by Martin Storen and Rug Hookers Guide to the Yarniverse! by Judy Taylor

Issue 158


Angora goats at the BSG, Michigan Sheep Breeders’ Weekend, Raising lambs orphan, Ode to an apple tree.

Issue 159


Aldergrove Fleece Competition Fair Review, Book Reviews: Woven Scarves by Jane Patrick, Mollie Makes Woodland Friends, by Mollie Makes, The Art of Seamless Knitting by Simona Merchant Dest and Faina Goberstein, Cozy Knits by Tanis Gray, Knitting Architecture by Tanis Gray and Op-Art Socks by Stephanie VanderLinden

Issue 160


Whitefish Bay Farm summer grazing, Winter weather Central Oregon, Shipping stock by ground, Sheep industry's future, Kahurangi farm update, Red Cashmere goat flock, BSG event recap.

Issue 161


Travels in the Faroe Islands, part one, Ian Stewart on Letty Klein, Michigan Shepherding, about Ari, Black Sheep Fiber Arts Cup winner, weaver Ashli Tyre, OFFF Fiber Arts Review, Book Reviews: Free Spirit Shawls by Lisa Shroyer and Light and Layered Knits by Vicki Square.

Issue 162


Travels in the Faroe Islands, part two, BSG Show Catalog, Michigan Shepherd's Weekend, Pregnant Ewe Nutrition, Animal Welfare from Temple Grandin, Book reviews: Timeless Coloured Sheep by Bruce Tinnock (from 2014 WCCS), The Brown Book Weaving Drafts by Barbara Miller and Deb Shillo and the Artists and Makers magazine

Issue 163


Michigan shepherd Tom Brown passes, Ian Stewart's North American travels, Book Reviews: Vintage Design by Beraldine Wagner, Workshops Knits at Home by Ruth Cross, and Scarf Style 2 by Ann Budd.

Issue 164


Kahurangi Farm Update (New Zealand), Remembering Myrtle Dow, FDA changes to Antibiotic use in Farm Animals, Annual Directory, BSG event results, Book reviews: Metropolitan Knits by Melissa Wehrle, Basic Knitting and Crocheting for Today’s Woman by Anita Closic and Felting by Elvira Lopex Del Proda Rivas

Issue 165


BSG Sheep-to-Shawl, Remembering Walt James, What Letty Klein looks for when judging a fleece, Myrtle Dow Memorial Cup at Rhinebeck, Ann Snyder's new house, Patrick Ranch Sheepdog Trial, Book Review: Knits of Tomorrow by Sue Culligan and a press release about the book Shaped by the Land by Bing Bingham

Issue 166


Handy – A dog’s story, Whitefish Bay’s final chapter, Judging coated fleeces, a New Zealand update, Book Review: Free Spirit Knits by Anne Podlesak and the BSG Show Catalog.

Issue 167


Lambing experience at Pine Lane Farm Karakuls, The Bixy-Sponenberg Conservation Award, Conservation Priority Livestock Breeds 2016, Book review: Dyeing Wool 20 Techniques, Beginner to Advanced by Karen Schellinger

Issue 168


2016 Sheep-to-Shawl review, In memory of Mark Eidman, Letty Klein’s review of the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and other shows she attended, 2016 Back-to-Back Wool Challenge results, Annual Directory, Kahurangi Farm happenings, BSG Wool, Mohair and Alpaca Show results, Sheep Show results, Angora Goat Show Results, and Fiber Arts and Yarn Show results. Photos from the Spinner’s Lead and Workshops.

Issue 169


Karakul Shepherds Alliance, Letty Klein’s review of the Michigan Fiber Festival and Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival fleece show judging, Ian Stewart’s story on shepherd Barbara Burrows, photos from the Sally McCarrick Fiber Creations and Skein Competition at OFFF, and photos from the Livestock Obstacle Course at OFFF, and the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralism.

Issue 170


Diane Stewart’s goats for 4-H, 10 Grazing Management Tips, Book Review: From the Feed Trough, Essays and Insights on Livestock Nutrition in a Complex World, by Woody Lane and 2016 BSG show catalog.

Issue 171


Modern History of Handspinning, Golden Shears Experience, DairyMeade New Zealand Milking sheep, Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program information.

Issue 172


Improving Wool Quality, About Carol J. Spencer, The BASE© of Color in Sheep, 4-H flock in Texas, Hair Sheep and more on Diane Stewart, BSG results.

Issue 173


Strategies for Producing Colored Angora Goats, Next World Congress on Coloured Sheep in 2019, Romney Breed Standard and the Black Sheep Gathering moves event to Albany, Oregon.

Issue 174


Letty Klein writes about crimp, Ian Stewart shares a story about Marion and Peter Cameron, 2018 Black Sheep Gathering Show Catalog

Issue 175


Letty Klein writes about medullation and kemp, Ann Snyder writes about life in Central Oregon and Ron Bloom's Third Act

Issue 176


Black Sheep Gathering competition results photos, Letty Klein writes about cotting in fleeces, the Annual Directory.

Issue 177


Anna Harvey / Harvey Farms, Fiber Shows Letty Klein was part of and more on Karakul tails, Craft Corner an article from New Zealand BCSBA, Fiber arts from the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival.

Issue 178


Celebrating 45 years of the Black Sheep Gathering, Remembering Gerald F. “Doc” Kennedy, Grammar School Dye Day, 2019 Black Sheep Gathering Show Catalog, Letty Klein shares about her travels to shows.

Issue 179


Livestock Conservancy’s Shave ’EM to Save ’Em Initiative, Remembering Wayne Thompson, Michigan Shepherding, Remembering Scott Dolling, and Book Review: Raw Material, Working Wool in the West, by Stephany Wilkes.

Issue 180


BSG Fleece Show summary, Letty Klein’s review of her time at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and the Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival, Ann Snyder’s review of connections made through the Newsletter, the Annual Directory, Ian Stewart reflects on the 45th anniversary of the Newsletter and his travels, Book Review of The Lambs by Carole George, Results of the Black Sheep Gathering Fiber Arts and Yarn Show, Sheep Show, Angora Goat Show and the Spinner’s Lead

Issue 181


Letty Klein writes about metal port-a-hut shelters for her sheep, her judging experience at Michigan Fiber Festival and the Tennessee State Fair and information about the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival fleece scorecard. Evelyn Taylor writes about her visit to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival. Rolly Thompson shares a photo story of her time at the 9th World Congress on Coloured Sheep in Biella, Italy.

Issue 182


The Norwegian Bohund, How to Maximize Your Wool Clip for Markets, Black Sheep Gathering Show Catalog for 2020 (event cancelled due to Covid)

Issue 183


Valais Blacknose sheep, New Zealand’s coronavirus lockdown and Ian Stewart’s 80th birthday and Ann Snyder’s new Akbash guard dog pup

Issue 184


The Travelling Minstrel moves to town. A Fitting Tribute for Wayne Thompson, Michigan Shepherding covers fleece character, Valais Blacknose part two.

Issue 185


Michigan Shepherding – Fall Lambing, My Valais Blacknose Project and Minnesota Yurt Project Completed

Issue 186


Michigan Shepherding – Sheep Judging, Remembering Jain Konrad, Fiber Related Books for Young Readers

Issue 187


Letty Klein on Dandruff: What is it and why? And Color Contamination, Dawley History (Karakul sheep), Fiber Related Folk and Fairy Tale Books, Book Review, Home Below Hell’s Canyon by Grace Jordan, Update on World Congress on Coloured Sheep 2024.

Issue 188


Update from The Travelling Minstrel in New Zealand and the Black and Coloured Sheep Breeders’ Association AGM, Michigan Shepherding: Karakul sheep breed characteristics, wool skirtings used as garden mulch.

Issue 189


Raising Respectful Rams, Easy Kumihimo, New Zealand Bus Trip, Michigan Shepherding, The Copper Quandary, Letty Klein’s fleece judging at the Michigan Fiber Fest and the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival.

Issue 190


Letty Klein addresses What is Good Breeding?, Feeding for Fleece and Breed Registry for shepherds, Knots of Love, Remembering Daniel Carver, the 2022 Black Sheep Gathering Show Catalog, Press releases from the American Sheep Industry.

Issue 191


Michigan Shepherding, Letty share the loss of her husband, Larry, and offers tips for halter training, Dispelling Myths about Sheep Shearing from The American Wool Council, Sharon Chestnutt reviews the book, Temple Grandin’s Guide to Working with Farm Animals.

Issue 192


BSG Fiber Arts Competition Summary, Back-to-Back Annual Challenge, Michigan Shepherding, Letty participates in sheep show and judges fleece at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and, Meet my buddy, Nic, my new Border Collie, BSG Angora Goat Show, David Harron’s, “Views from a Weaving Studio,” Breed Study Boxes – A Rare Opportunity, BSG Spinner’s Lead, BSG Sheep Show Results, BSG Fleece Show Results.

Issue 193


The Black Sheep Cup (for wool) Goes Back to Montana by Carol Steitz, 2022 BSG Sheep Show Result Correction, Michigan Shepherding by Letty Klein writes about her experience exporting stock to Canada and shares notes from the Michigan Fiber Festival and the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, 2022 BSG Sheep-to-Shawl photos, and My Story – A 30 Year Shetland Lifestyle by Lynne Deshler.

Issue 194


Some Karakul history and a reminder about Importing Sheep, Reprint of Handwork from Spintips, Black Sheep Gathering Show Catalog, from American Wool : "The Rainbow People and the First Sheep" and Wormwise from New Zealand.

Issue 195


The Future of Agriculture by Letty Klein, Remembering Alwyn Dolling, Information about Sayer Jones’ accident and the Caring Bridge, Book Review of The Shepherd’s Life by James Rebanks and ASI information on the Sheep Production Handbook and Poisonous Plant Library.

Issue 196


Michigan Shepherding, Judging Fleeces and Letty’s time at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival; Ian Stewart’s sheep photos, Results from the 27th International Back to Back Wool Challenge, Annual Directory, Black Sheep Gathering photos and results: Sheep-to Shawl, Angora Goat Show, Fleece Show, Fiber Arts Competition, Sheep Show and the Spinners’ Lead and Information about the American Wool Assurance Program.

Issue 197


Letty Klein shares her recent trip to drop off Karakuls at a Namibia farmer in Minnesota, and shares stories and photos of her time at the Michigan Fiber Festival and Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. Also, a correction to the 2023 BSG Fleece Show results and Scenes from the 2023 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival.

Issue 198


Letty Klein writes about commercial wools, NASSA virtual meeting and her fall lambing. Remembering BSN writer and shepherd Ann Snyder. The Black Sheep Gathering Show Catalog and updates from the American Sheep Industry.

Issue 199


Issue 50 Years of the Black Sheep Gathering, Weaving Tips and Tricks from Us to Ewe, Spintips A Handbook for Handspinners regarding Fibers, Some Black Sheep Gathering History, a link to Science Learn in New Zealand about Wool Processing, an In memoriam for New Zealander Peter Cameron and American Sheep Industry press releases about their Sheep Gems program and Wool Testing access.

Issue 200


Margo Siebenmorgen’s article: The Journey of Freyja and The Shetland Stars Shawl, Michigan Shepherding — Wool Pellets, her time at the 2024 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, Back to Back Annual Challenge, Book Review by Kent Erskine: Capturing SunlightSkills and Ideas for Intensive Grazing, Sustainable Pastures, Healthy Soils and Grassfed Livestock, 2024 Black Sheep Gathering Results and photos.

Issue 201


Letty Klein’s summer tour of Midwest sheep and wool festivals, photos from the 2024 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, ASI Press Release about Young Leaders at Global Sheep Forum NexGen Program Australia last August.

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