Sheep Newsletter |
The 2019 Annual Directory Form
The BSN Annual Directory is published yearly in the summer issue. The listing is organized by state for easy reference. If you would like to be listed in the 2013 Directory, please print and complete the following form. Return the form and your payment by June 30, 2019. Deadline for subscribers outside US—only—is July 5, 2019. Listings will include producers of any fiber animals, breeders of working dogs, and businesses and services related to the handcraft fiber industry.
The cost for your listing is $8 for the first 25 words PLUS 30¢ per additional word. You must count each word including name, address and phone number, etc. (The following count as one word each: your phone number, fax number, email address and web site.) Logos and photos will be billed at $5 per column inch. We will reduce and lay out graphics that do not meet reproduction standards for an additional $10. All charges must be prepaid.
Purebred Directory Advertisers: please remember your listing will be included in the Annual Directory as part of your yearly agreement. The Purebred Directory is no longer published in the summer issue. This includes (for Purebred Directory advertisers only) a complimentary one column inch space for your business logo, $5 for each additional column inch. Please submit camera ready copy by June 30, 2019.
Note: To print only the form and none of the text above, highlight or select the form (while holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor from the words “TOP OF FORM” to the words “BOTTOM OF FORM,” release the mouse button) and when printing, print just the selection, not all the pages.
-------------------- TOP OF FORM --------------------
Personal Name: Address:
Phone/fax Number: Email address: Website: Breeds: Flock Size: Additional Information:
Words per line
First 25 Words = |
$8.00 |
Additional Words x 30¢ = |
Logo or Photo, column inches x $5 = |
Camera Work |
Return to: Black Sheep Newsletter, 25455 NW Dixie Mtn Rd, Scappoose, OR 97056
DEADLINE: June 30, 2019
All orders must be prepaid or may be charged with VISA or Master Card.
Enclosed is my check/money order (US funds only) for $
Or, charge to VISA Master Charge
Credit Card Number: Expires: month year
Your signature:
-------------------- BOTTOM OF FORM
Questions? email
us at: BSNewsltr@earthlink.net
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